The Writer’s Coffeeshop is the teacher’s friend when it comes to learning about the latest developments in the field of education. Our website ensures that educational professionals have an authoritative and comprehensive source they can go to for the latest developments in teaching philosophies, learning strategies and new technology.

Educational Technology
The landscape of teaching in both formal and non-formal educational settings is always changing, adopting innovations to make the learning process easier.
The Writer’s Coffeeshop publishes articles that help you and other educators make the most out of these new technologies. From Zoom classes to online exam platforms, you’ll be sure to find just what you need on our website.
Learning Strategies
Every student is unique, and a strategy that works on one class may not be as effective on another. The Writer’s Coffeeshop makes space for students and lifelong learners to discover strategies for greater education.
Our articles cover everything from classroom hacks and how the brain works to distance learning, and social and emotional learning.
Teaching Philosophies
Education professionals approach their students in different ways and could get stuck in inefficient or outdated mindsets.
The Writer’s Coffeeshop offers refreshing new methods teachers can connect with their students and learn from them as much as teach them.
Discover Our Authors
Lindsay Salander
Lindsay works as a computer science teacher at her local high school. She is passionate about protecting the online privacy rights of students and in enhancing digital infrastructure for education.
Abel Gideon
Abel enjoys teaching shop and other practical crafts to students. After the school day ends, Abel often retreats to his garage where he teaches his kids fishing and other skills.
Heather McNamara
Before Heather was a kindergarten schoolteacher, she was a cheerleader for her alma mater. She hopes to bring the same pep and energy to her class as she did on the football field.