Mental Health – The Expensive Cost for Communities

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  • Mental health disorders cost society over $1 trillion annually in direct healthcare costs, lost productivity, and disability payments.
  • Depression is one of the most costly mental health disorders, estimated at over $200 billion annually.
  • Due to direct medical expenses and lost productivity, anxiety disorders cost approximately $42 billion annually.
  • Autism spectrum disorder costs society as much as $268 billion annually due to its high treatment costs associated with behavioral therapy and medications.
  • Eating disorders can cost individuals around $1,000 to $2,000 annually in medical expenses and lost wages.

Mental health disorders are the most expensive diseases to treat in communities. As mental disorders become more prominent, their associated costs have increased drastically over the past decade. Their numbers are increasing, which can affect your community in various ways.

The Cost of Mental Disorders

According to a study by the American Psychological Association, mental health-related illnesses cost communities one trillion dollars annually in direct healthcare costs, lost productivity, and disability payments. Here’s at the most expensive mental disorders and how they affect communities financially.


Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses that affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide and has been estimated to cost society over $200 billion per year in lost productivity and medical expenses.

Depression often leads to decreased work performance, absenteeism from school or work, and overall decreased quality of life. In addition to these economic costs, depression also burdens families heavily due to the caretaking responsibilities that come with it.

Anxious woman grinding teeth

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are estimated to cost society approximately $42 billion per year due to direct medical expenses and lost productivity among those who suffer from anxiety-related conditions like panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc.

Anxiety disorders can lead to an inability to work or concentrate on tasks due to constant worrying and fear. This makes it difficult for those affected by anxiety to perform well at their jobs or even go to work on some days due to their debilitating symptoms.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Researchers at Duke University Medical Center estimate autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to cost society as much as $268 billion annually due to its high treatment costs associated with behavioral therapy and medications used for the management of its symptoms, such as difficulty communicating, socializing, learning new skills, etc.

ASD impacts individuals differently depending on severity; some may require intensive care while others may need minimal support depending on their needs. Either way, this condition carries with it a heavy financial burden for both individuals living with autism as well as their families, who must provide additional help beyond what insurance typically covers.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder (BED), can cost individuals around $1,000 to $2,000 annually in medical expenses and lost wages due to missed work or school days. In addition, the mental health care associated with these conditions can be significant due to the complexity of their treatment. Thankfully, there is affordable eating disorder treatment available to people. These treatments utilize evidence-based approaches to help individuals regain control of their eating habits.

How Communities Can Manage These Costs

Communities are becoming increasingly aware of the financial burden that mental health disorders can have on individuals, families, and society. This awareness has sparked conversations about how to manage these costs better to ensure that everyone is receiving the care they need.

Support group for people

Early Intervention

One way communities can help manage mental health disorder costs is through early intervention programs offering preventative care. These programs are designed to identify signs of mental health distress and provide the necessary support before a condition becomes severe enough to require more intensive medical treatment or hospitalization.

Mental Health Services in Affordable Venues

Another way communities can manage these costs is by offering mental health services in non-traditional settings, such as schools, churches, and community centers. This would make it easier for individuals to access the care they need without traveling long distances or missing work.

Increasing Awareness

Finally, increasing awareness of mental health disorders and available treatments is key to destigmatizing them and encouraging individuals to seek support. This can be done through various outlets such as public service announcements, discussing mental health in school curriculums, or providing resources for those in need.

Mental health disorders can be costly and difficult to manage, but with communities working together, we can reduce these costs and create a better future for those affected by mental illness. By providing early intervention programs, increasing access to mental health services in affordable venues, and raising awareness about mental health issues, communities can help to reduce the costs associated with these conditions.

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