The Basics of Augmented Reality for Kids

Boy Using Virtual Reality Headset
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Education and education providers must constantly be on the lookout for innovations that could make learning better for their students. Augmented reality for kids is one facet of virtual learning that educators should begin examining in more detail. 

Virtual reality was first invented in 1950s in hopes of revolutionizing cinema. Today it has now quickly expanded into multiple fields, including education.

Today, discover how teachers can use augmented reality for kids to enhance their learning experience. You will also learn the benefits of this technology and potential barriers to applying them in an educational setup. 

What is Augmented Reality?

Man in Grey Dress Shirt Using Brown Cardboard Vr Glasses
Augmented reality workshops can help you understand this technology better.

Augmented reality is a form of virtual learning that digitally enhances the world. This is different from virtual reality that transports you into a completely digital landscape. 

For example, an augmented reality library wouldn’t show you a castle with different furniture and with different books. Instead, an augmented reality device will superimpose new details on top of the real world. The display in a library may showcase where you can find specific books, highlight which shelves contain which subjects and indicate where you can go for certain services.

Augmented reality supplements the senses and information you receive from the real world, acting like a head-up display or another layer of data you can perceive. It does not change or put you into a new environment, merely enhances it. 

Why Use Augmented Reality for Kids?

Boy Wearing a Black and White Virtual Reality Goggles
Augmented reality for kids can help children remain engaged.

With the plethora of learning materials and technologies such as teleconferencing out there, why should educators use augmented reality books? What is the point of workshops for augmented reality when you have all these other technologies? 

Using augmented reality for kids can have the following benefits.

  • Engage Students

Classes in 2020 either had to be suspended or take place over digital spaces such as Skype or Zoom. Augmented reality technology can help bridge gaps in student enthusiasm. 

Think of how engaging lessons can be if students can pretend to physically handle material. The novelty of augmented reality technology can be enough to stoke interest in your students during class, such as giving great performing students a chance to use the machinery. 

  • Explore New Facets

Reading textbooks and looking at visual aids are no doubt an integral part of school learning, but they can be restricted by the medium. A student can read about the anatomical system of a crocodile all they want but they will still have difficulty in truly gaining an appreciation of the lesson. Augmented reality for kids can help them explore new aspects of lessons that textbooks can’t explore. 

For example, augmented reality software can help students see how the digestive system works and even see parts of this system in detail. 

  • Improve Access

Not everybody has access to all the learning materials possible or needed to complete a course. Textbooks can be scarce, films and other types of media can be hard to come by. Augmented reality technologies can make it easier for students to access the materials they need. 

For example, augmented reality goggles can carry as much information as a textbook or at least impart information that is not easily accessible without the right know-how. These can all be helpful in ensuring your students have the data they need to understand and progress their education. 

What are Barriers for Using Augmented Reality?

A Girl Playing in a Virtual Reality on Yellow Background
One problem of building up an augmented reality library can be quite expensive.

Despite the benefits provided by using augmented reality for kids, there are significant hurdles to adopting them for widespread use. Some of these barriers can be easily overcome while others need time to be overturned. 

Not all barriers to adopting this technology are unreasonable, and they can be very hard to dispel simply as a fear of innovation. 

Some of these barriers are listed below.

  • Expenses

Augmented reality equipment can be very expensive, whether you’re talking about the actual machinery or the software. There are software products for augmented reality books, but how much will they set your school or education institution back? 

Getting enough augmented reality material for your school can be seriously expensive. Convincing a school board to invest in expensive augmented reality technology can be a hard sell.

  • Lack of Understanding

Not everyone can understand why augmented reality for kids can be such a great investment. They are sophisticated technology that requires intuitive learning to master. 

Despite the existence of augmented reality workshops, which can help you and other people learn how to control this technology, many people still can’t get their heads wrapped around how it works. You may have to explain and provide information for some to help them appreciate this technology and all it can offer. 

  • Few Content

Despite existing for a few years already, augmented reality content is still very much rare and hard to come by. You may want to build an augmented reality library, but will you be able to find enough books to fill it up with? Are there enough lesson plans that you can beef up with augmented reality that you can justify buying the already expensive augmented reality equipment? 

Because they can be so hard to find, you or a school board may not think these materials are worth it until they are more readily available. 

  • Equipment

Finally, augmented reality equipment can be very tricky to work with, especially if you want to use them around a population as rowdy as kids. These devices can be quite finicky and with their large price tags, schools may not think it’s worth it to invest in them. 

When you are using augmented reality for kids you should definitely take into account the kind of usage and the age range of the students who will be using them. 

How Can You Use Augmented Reality for Kids in Classes?

Girl in Pink Shirt Wearing Black and White Vr Headset
Augmented reality for kids can help make breakthroughs in education.

Teaching kids using augmented reality devices is still a relatively new development. Therefore, you may need some help in learning how you can use augmented reality safely and effectively in a classroom setting. 

Here are just a few ways you can use augmented reality for kids through different courses and subjects. 

  • Math

Using augmented reality in math may not seem so great and idea but the technology can help with keeping engaged. 

For example, a student may scan a worksheet through their smartphone and the augmented reality device can help them envision solving the problem step by step. 

Interactive 3D models can also help students envision geometry problems, or help younger students see animated problems played out in front of them for easier understanding.

  • Science

Augmented reality can also help provide new perspectives in science classes. Think how much more engaging a biology class can be if your students can actually see the workings of organelles and cells up close? 

Textbooks can have virtual tabs that help readers understand more or come with video clips that can help students appreciate the scientific principles they are learning. Classes such as astronomy, geology and even chemistry can all benefit from 3D models rendered in front of students through augmented reality. 

  • History

Historical events and information can be quite difficult for students to parse, especially if they have no visual aids or references to picture them. Augmented reality technology is already being used in historical studies. 

For example, museums are using them to enhance their exhibitions, providing new and exciting content for viewers to parse. You can take your cue from these developments to help inject much needed vitality into lesson plans involving events from long ago. 

Augmented reality for kids is still a new field, but they can rapidly become the next big thing in the field of education. Just like how teleconferencing suddenly became the largest venue of education in 2020, understanding and learning more about an emerging technology before you need to can pay off when it enters center stage.

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