Three Ways to Train Employees During the Pandemic

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The pandemic has also affected the way people work. For example, many people are now working from home. Telecommuting has become the norm simply because it is safer to stay home.

Telecommuting has brought many advantages for both employer and employee. Some of them include taking care of their respective families, having more time for themselves, and even in some cases, better productivity. In addition, having a virtual office has helped employers save money on utilities and rent. However, an office that relies on telecommuting also faces many problems.

Virtual offices have various problems, such as social isolation and the lack of a physical space for meetings. One particular problem that has caused decreased productivity in some companies is training.

Woman using vr

Problems With Training During the Pandemic

Training is an essential part of any job, but it can be difficult for employees to retain the information when it is done online. Employees need to be educated as much as possible, especially if your industry is diverse and constantly changing.

Take the marketing industry, for example. Marketing trends constantly shift and change, even for smaller markets such as HVAC. For example, the HVAC search engine optimization strategies don’t stay the same over time. Therefore, people need to know specific algorithms and how they work in the field of HVAC. This requires marketers to keep up to date with certain trends in this particular field. However, training these marketers regarding trends and strategies can be hard when working at home.

In-person training is usually more effective because employees can ask questions and get help from their colleagues. A hands-on approach in certain industries such as marketing has also shown more potential. However, training must go on because a company can lose productivity without it. So how can you do training during the pandemic?

Virtual Training

Virtual training has become the norm due to the pandemic. They are a great way to keep employees informed and up to date on the latest industry changes, especially if you’re in a constantly changing industry. You can also use virtual training for compliance training.

Virtual training is done through video conferencing software, such as Zoom or Skype. They are live, interactive sessions where employees can ask questions and get help from their colleagues. The best part is that they’re recorded so employees can watch them again if they need to.

One way to make your virtual training session effective is through polls and quizzes. You can also add some interesting activities throughout the training session. This will help you get feedback and find out if employees understand the material.

Virtual training is an excellent way to keep your employees up to date on industry changes, and it can be just as effective as in-person training.


Webinars are live, online presentations where employees can learn about a particular topic. Unlike virtual training, webinars are shorter and tackle broader topics. They aren’t as good when tackling smaller markets and trends, but they can generally teach employees new skills. It can also handle a wider audience.

They usually last for an hour, and the presenters use slides, videos, and audio to engage with the audience. The best part about webinars is that they’re archived so employees can watch them again if they need to. You can also use a chatbox or forum to ask employees questions about the presentation.

One way to make your webinar effective is by having an open forum. An open forum can help employees ask questions and get help from their colleagues. You can also use a poll or quiz to test employees’ knowledge after the presentation.

Virtual Reality Training

Virtual Reality (VR) training is done through VR headsets. The employee is placed in a virtual world where they can learn about a particular topic. VR training is excellent for industries that require employees to learn mechanical skills, such as construction and manufacturing. It’s also great for teaching employees new skills.

The best part about VR training is that it’s interactive. Employees can learn by doing. It’s been used in the medical field, where medical professionals are taught how to do surgery. VR training can also be used in other fields, such as teaching employees how to use new software.

One way to make your VR training effective is by using scenarios. Scenarios are situations that employees will encounter in their job. Employees can learn how to handle these situations by using VR training.

VR training is an excellent way to teach employees new skills in a safe and interactive environment.

There are many different ways to do training during the pandemic, but virtual training is one of the most effective methods. Virtual training allows employees to learn about industry changes, new skills, and compliance.

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